The International Network of Engaged Buddhist (INEB) held is bi-annual conference in Bodhgaya, India from October 26-29. The theme of the conference was “The Future of Buddhism: From Personal Awakening to Global Transformation.” Over 300 individuals from over 20 countries attended the conference. The full script of the conference can be found on
Pia Lindstrom presented the cutting edge work of Deer Park-India, and Matteo Pistono, Executive Director of Nekorpa, spoke about working with communities in Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. Both Deer Park and Nekorpa offered their experiences within the Himalayan-Buddhist context with regards to Zero Waste methodology, raising ecological consciousness, and implementation of waste management. Participants of the workshops were actively engaged in discussion and offered their relevant experiences from India, Bangledesh and Sri Lanka.
Read Ajahn Sulak Sivaraksa’s thoughts on the Future of Buddhism, Roshi Joan Halifax’s essay on the Precious Necessity of Compassion, Hozan Alan Senauke’s essay on The Future is Always Arriving and other articles from the conference by Jonathan Watts, John Stanley & David Loy, and Matteo Pistono.
The Mahabodhi Temple and bodhitree where the historical Buddha attained enlightenment
And read more about the conference here.