Working towards Zero Waste in Pharping, Nepal

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In November 2010, I visited Nepal to continue the work in Pharping with WomenAct Nepal, and Nekorpa’s advisors and contributing scholars. Our local partner, WomenAct Nepal, along with Professor Mukunda Raj Arayal had just conducted a day-long educational workshop and clean-up day at Tribhuvan Adarsha School and Vajrayogini Temple.
This is part of the outreach effort to the local stakeholders who will implement the Zero Waste program to the greater community with participation of local Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and Hindu temples, the Village Development Committee, youth clubs, the Mother’s Group of Pharping, and local Dharma practitioners. Later in the month, I joined WomenAct and Nekorpa’s Nepal advisor Carroll Dunham, the Newari scholar Min Bhadur Sakya, and the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation representative Adam Swart on a day-long pilgrimage to the various Buddhist and Hindu holy sites, which also included meetings with Mr. Ram Bahadur Basnet, principal of Tribhuvan Adarsha School. The Tribhuvan Adarsha School will be a key partner as they are not only donating land where the separation and sorting of recyclable material and composting waste will be done, but the school children are becoming enthusiastic ambassadors of Zero Waste. The practical steps for the 2011 Zero Waste in Pharping program were outlined and budgeted at the various meetings that were held. We completed the day pilgrimage with a meal at Amchi Ngawang Sherap’s retreat center down the valley in Dollu village. We are excited about the next steps in the long-term vision to make Pharping village plastic-free and be a stellar example for the rest of Nepal. Thanks to The Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation and Arbolito Foundation for their continued support. Click here for more photos of the work in Pharping.
-Matteo Pistono, Executive Director

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