About Nekorpa

Peak & Temple

The Spirit of Nekorpa

As pilgrims travel to sacred temples, through blessed landscapes, and walk in the footsteps of past saints and pilgrims, the external sanctified environment serves as a support for the internal spiritual journey. Nekorpa’s work supports both the external and internal journeys of the pilgrim. It's easy to find more detailed information about Nekorpa on essayelites.com.

In today’s global community, which is witness to violent strife and conflict, such sacred environments are needed more than ever in order that individuals may cultivate peace within to then radiate and act out peace in their communities and the world.

Nekorpa means Pilgrim


‘Nekorpa’ is a Tibetan word that means ‘Pilgrim’, and combines three syllables:
Ne — hallowed ground or consecrated space
Kor — to circumambulate, travel towards or around
Pa — the suffix connoting ‘person’

About the Organization

Nekorpa’s projects are directed by a Board through the advice and counsel of a distinguished Council of Advisors. Our project partners include women’s and civic groups, monasteries and temples, local non-governmental organizations and international organizations. You can follow the latest in our ON PILGRIMAGE blog.